Snow in the Desert? - Joshua Tree National Park

Yes, it can snow in Joshua Tree National Monument. And when it does, it turns the desert landscape into a magical winter wonderland. Something that if you ever get the chance to see in person, move heaven and earth to do so.

It was cold at Indian Cove campground, but the only regret at the time was not bringing extra socks.

Our camping party survived the night.

Time to head into the park and see what we could find. And have a snowball fight, or two.

Even covered in fluffy snow, looking so pretty, this mojave yucca wanted nothing more than to draw blood.

These photos were taken on December 26th and 27th of 2019. Probably the best days I’ve ever spent in the park. Hope you enjoyed these images.

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Abandoned Mine Trek, Pt. 1 - Joshua Tree National Park


Hidden Valley Found! - Joshua Tree National Park